256: Parametric Equations

Home > A-Level Maths > Teaching Order Year 2 > 256: Parametric Equations

Introducing Parametric Equations

C3-01 Parametric Equations: Introducing Parametric Equations

C3-02 Parametric Equations: The Difference between Cartesian & Parametric

Cartesian to Parametric

C3-03 Parametric Equations: Cartesian to Parametric

Working with Parametric Equations

C3-04 Parametric Equations: Find where x=t^3-4t, y=t^2+t meets y=20

C3-05 Parametric Equations: What does x=t^3-4t, y=t^2+t look like?

C3-06 Parametric Equations: What does x=2sin(t), y=4cos(t-pi/4) look like?

Parametric to Cartesian

C3-07 Parametric Equations: Parametric to Cartesian


C3-08 Parametric Equations: Defining an Ellipse Parametrically


C4-01 Parametric Equation Modelling: Parametric to Cartesian

C4-02 Parametric Equation Modelling: A Projectiles Problem