102: Quadratic Graphs

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Factorising Quadratics

B3-01 [Quadratics: Factorising Quadratics using the Difference of Two Squares]

B3-02 [Quadratics: Factorising Quadratics of the form x^2 + bx + c]

B3-03 [Quadratics: Factorising Quadratics of the form ax^2 + bx + c]

B3-04 [Quadratics: Factorising Quadratics using a Calculator]

Introducing Parabolas

B3-05 [Quadratics: Introducing Parabolas]

Sketching Quadratics from Factorised Form

B3-06 [Quadratics: Introducing Sketching Quadratics from Factorised Form]

B3-07 [Quadratics: Examples of Sketching Quadratics from Factorised Form]

Completing the Square

B3-08 [Quadratics: Introducing Completing the Square with the form x^2 + bx + c]

B3-09 [Quadratics: Examples of Completing the Square with the form x^2 + bx + c]

B3-10 [Quadratics: Introducing Completing the Square with the form ax^2 + bx + c]

B3-11 [Quadratics: Examples of Completing the Square with the form ax^2 + bx + c]

B3-12 [Quadratics: Examples of Finding the Line of Symmetry]

Sketching Quadratics from Completed Square Form

B3-13 [Quadratics: Introducing Sketching Quadratics from Completed Square Form]

B3-14 [Quadratics: Examples of Sketching Quadratics from Completed Square Form]

Solving Quadratic Equations (without a calculator)

B3-15 [Quadratics: Three Ways to Solve a Quadratic Equation]

B3-16 [Quadratics: Where the Quadratic Formula Comes From]

The Discriminant

B3-17 [Quadratics: Using the Discriminant to Find How Many Roots a Quadratic Has]

B3-18 [Quadratics: Examples of Using the Discriminant to Find How Many Roots a Quadratic Has]

Using the Quadratic Formula

B3-19 [Quadratics: Examples of Using the Quadratic Formula]

Sketching Quadratics using the Quadratic Formula

B3-20 [Quadratics: Examples of Sketching Quadratics using the Quadratic Formula]

Sketching Quadratics using a Calculator

B3-21 [Quadratics: Sketching using a Calculator]

B3-22 [Quadratics: Examples of Sketching using a Calculator]

Using Quadratic Methods for Solving

B3-23 [Quadratics: Solving More Complicated Equations Using Quadratic Methods]