E1: Trigonometry

From the DfE Mathematics AS and A-Level Content (LINK):



E1-01 [Trigonometry: Introducing sin(x), cos(x) & tan(x)]

E1-02 [Trigonometry: Two Triangles to Learn]

E1-03 [Trigonometry: Using the Two Triangles]

E1-04 [Trigonometry: Examples of Finding Missing Angles]

E1-05 [Trigonometry: Examples of Finding Missing Sides]

E1-06 [Trigonometry: Finding Exact Values of sin(x), cos(x) & tan(x)]

The Sine Rule

E1-07 [Trigonometry: Proof of the Sine Rule]

E1-08 [Trigonometry: Using the Sine Rule]

E1-09 [Trigonometry: When the Sine Rule can lead to Two Triangles]

The Cosine Rule

E1-10 [Trigonometry: Proof of the Cosine Rule]

E1-11 [Trigonometry: Using the Cosine Rule]

E1-12 [Trigonometry: Find all the Missing Sides and Angles of a Triangle]

The Area of a Triangle

E1-13 [Trigonometry: Proof of Area of a Triangle ½ absinC]

E1-14 [Trigonometry: Finding the Area of Triangles]


E1-15 Trigonometry: Introducing Radians

E1-16 Trigonometry: Converting Between Degrees and Radians

Arc Length

E1-17 Trigonometry: Deriving a Formula for Arc Length in Radians

E1-18 Trigonometry: Using the Formula for Arc Length in Radians

Area of a Sector

E1-19 Trigonometry: Deriving a Formula for Sector Area in Radians

E1-20 Trigonometry: Using the Formula for Area of a Sector in Radians