3. Quadratics

3.01 Introducing Quadratics

3.02 Expanding Brackets

3.03a Factorising into a Single Bracket

3.03b Factorising into Two Brackets when a=1

3.03c Factorising into Two Brackets when a is not 1

3.03d A Method for Factorising into Two Brackets

3.03e Factorising into Two Brackets when a is negative

3.03f Last Resort in Factorising: Using the Quadratic Formula

3.03g Factorising using the Difference of Two Squares

3.04a Translating Quadratics by a Vector

3.04b Describing a Translation and Sketching the Curve

3.05a Sketching a Quadratic from Completed Square Form

3.05b Sketching a second Quadratic from Completed Square Form

3.05c Sketching a third Quadratic from Completed Square Form

3.06a Completing the Square when a=1

3.06b Completing the Square when a is not 1

3.07a Solving a Quadratic Equation by Factorising

3.07b Solving a Quadratic Equation by Completing the Square

3.07c Solving a Quadratic Equation by using the Quadratic Formula

3.08a Completely Sketching a Quadratic Curve

3.08b Completely Sketching a Quadratic Curve

3.09 Using the Discriminant

3.10 Solving a Problem using the Discriminant