8. The Product Moment Correlation Coefficient
Home > Legacy A-Level Maths 2004 > AQA Statistics 1 (S1) > 8. The Product Moment Correlation Coefficient
8.01 Understanding Correlation
8.01 Understanding Correlation
8.02 Introducing the Product Moment Correlation Coefficient
8.02 Introducing the Product Moment Correlation Coefficient
8.03 Calculating the Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (TI-82 STATS)
8.03 Calculating the Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (TI-82 STATS)
8.04 Product Moment Correlation Coefficient Notation
8.04 Product Moment Correlation Coefficient Notation
8.05 Scaling the Product Moment Correlation Coefficient
8.05 Scaling the Product Moment Correlation Coefficient
8.06 'Guessing' a value of r (educated guess)
8.06 'Guessing' a value of r (educated guess)