4. Differentiation Rules

4.01 Core 2 Differentiation Revision

4.02 Introducing the Chain Rule

4.03 Using the Chain Rule to Differentiate y = (3x - 5)^6

4.04 Examples of Using the Chain Rule

4.05 Using the Chain Rule to find a Stationary Point

4.06 Introducing Connected Rates of Change

4.07 Solving a Connected Rates of Change Problem Example 1

4.08 Solving a Connected Rates of Change Problem Example 2

4.09 Tricky Factorisation

4.10 Introducing the Product Rule

4.11 Using the Product Rule to Differentiate y = (2x + 1)(3x - 3)

4.12 Using the Product Rule to Differentiate y = 2x(3x + 1)^5

4.13 Examples of Using the Product Rule

4.14 Using the Product Rule to find Stationary Points

4.15 Simplifying Algebraic Fractions

4.16 Introducing the Quotient Rule

4.17 Using the Quotient Rule to Differentiate y = 5x / (x + 2)^3

4.18 Examples of Using the Quotient Rule

4.19 Using the Quotient Rule to find a Stationary Point

4.20 Using the Quotient Rule to solve an Integration problem

4.21 Examples of Choosing the Correct Rule to Differentiate