7. Linear Regression
Home > Legacy A-Level Maths 2004 > AQA Statistics 1 (S1) > 7. Linear Regression
7.01 Introducing Linear Regression Part 1
7.01 Introducing Linear Regression Part 1
7.02 Introducing Linear Regression Part 2
7.02 Introducing Linear Regression Part 2
7.03 Residuals
7.03 Residuals
7.04 Calculating the Least Squares Regression Line (TI-82 STATS)
7.04 Calculating the Least Squares Regression Line (TI-82 STATS)
7.05 Interpreting and Extrapolating using the Least Squares Regression Line
7.05 Interpreting and Extrapolating using the Least Squares Regression Line
7.06 Scaling the Least Squares Regression Line
7.06 Scaling the Least Squares Regression Line